Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Evening Primrose Oil: Fighting from Within

If I were stuck on a desert island with my choice of one herb to fight cold sores, I would have to choose evening primrose oil. Among its many healing properties, evening primrose oil contains essential fatty acids similar to essential amino acids that cannot be manufactured by the body. Evening primrose supports the immune system and helps reduce inflammation.
Evening primrose may help fight the progression of the herpes virus by boosting the immune system. It has been helpful for a variety of other diseases as well, including allergies, asthma, hormone imbalance, multiple sclerosis, obesity, skin and hair problems, eczema, and hyperactivity in children.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been using a evening primrose oil supplement which I bought off the Internet from Goldshield and it is great in helping relieve my pain during my premenstrual cycle.