Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Plantain Won’t Make You Weak in the Knees

If none of the other factors noted for joint injuries seem to fit you, weak knees may indicate a weakness in the kidneys, believe it or not! Supporting your urinary system with herbs such as parsley and uva ursi can be helpful for this problem. In the meantime, the herb plantain may just be just what the doctor didn’t know to order! Plantain (Plantago major) is similar to comfrey in its abilities as a healer. It is rich in minerals and vitamins C and K. Plantain also is a mucilaginous herb, which makes it soothing to the tissues and kidneys. You can take this plant externally as well as internally because it is mild and considered safe to use.

Down on Your Knees

If you’re weak in the knees or are experiencing any type of knee problems, such as inflammation or problems with the knee joint itself, read the previous section on joint injuries; the information on digestion and pH balance may apply to you also.
Other structural problems, such as poor shoes, may be contributing to knee problems. See your podiatrist (foot doctor) to help you. Your chiropractor also can help if you are misaligned. Sometimes the hips can rotate and can eventually affect your knees. If you have a growing boy or girl who is having pain in the knees, he or she may have an overactive thyroid or other gland that is that is resulting in abnormally fast growth and straining the joints. Have your doctor check for any endocrine imbalances.

Peach Bark: When Your Kidneys Are Not Feeling Peachy

When dealing with a kidney inflammation or infection, peach bark (Prunus Persica) is another helpful ingredient used in herbal remedies. The bark and leaves of the peach tree serve as a diuretic and will help flush out toxins from the urinary tract. Peach bark is high in phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium and can be used for problems with the bladder, the uterus, water retention, and the respiratory system (for coughs and bronchitis). If you are fighting a kidney infection, you should also drink lots of water to help your body flush out toxins—add lemon to the water to help purify your system. A spoonful of black strap molasses has proven useful as well.