Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Boosting immune system with Red Clover

A myriad of herbs and supplements exist to boost your immune system and detoxify the system. For simplicity’s sake, I have had to choose a best single herb for each ailment. In this case, it would have to be red clover.
The purplish flowers of this common clover plant have been used medicinally to cleanse the blood, liver, and lymphatic system. Red clover is a tonic and is believed to help cancer patients because of its ability to aid protein assimilation. Red clover is rich in calcium, potassium, vitamin C, and magnesium.
Red clover is an excellent blood cleanser and is used for a host of ailments, including acne, athlete’s foot, bronchitis, leukemia, psoriasis, skin cancer, skin diseases, and whooping cough.

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