Monday, June 29, 2009

Tightening Up with White Oak Bark

White oak bark (Quercus alba) is the bark from the white oak tree. The great white oak tree grows up to 100 feet tall, and its wood was used to build ships because of its ability to handle moisture. Its medicinal properties are mostly astringent in their effect, making this herb very useful in tightening tissues that are loose (in energetics, this would mean a “wet” type of condition). White oak bark can be used internally as well as externally for any inflamed tissue, and you can use it as an excellent remedy not only just for swollen glands but also for hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, gout, herpes, wounds, and gingivitis.
White oak bark is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, all minerals involved in tissue healing. For swollen glands, use internal application along with external application until swelling subsides.

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