Thursday, November 13, 2008

Diarrhea: Some Gripping Advice

Diarrhea can be caused by different factors, which may include:
  • A parasite infestation. A parasite is any organism that lives as a guest in your body and that contributes nothing to your well-being. Parasites can include fungus, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and worms. Any of these can be contracted through contaminated food, commonly referred to as food poisoning. . Stress and anxiety. The bowel is intimately connected with your nervous system and can react negatively to nervousness.
  • Intestinal infections or inflammation can be brought on by other diseases, such as Chrone’s disease. Knowing what might be causing your diarrhea will help you to treat it with the best remedy and to eliminate the source of your irritation. If you catch a bug (whether a parasite or bacteria) foreign to your body, your body reacts to eliminate the invader by stimulating peristaltic action of the bowel. This creates a forceful movement of the bowels, which can manifest itself as diarrhea. In this case, diarrhea is really a protective mechanism your body is activating to rid itself of a toxin.
Due to the loss of fluid, salts, and nutrients that accompany diarrhea, dehydration is a concern—severe dehydration can cause brain damage or death if not treated.
Therefore, it is important—especially for the elderly and children—to counteract the dehydrating effects of diarrhea through the intake of plenty of liquids. Make sure that the water supplied is filtered water and is not the source of possible contamination that could be causing the problem.
If you or someone you are responsible for has a bad bout of diarrhea, you can utilize the herbs and supplements described to stop the diarrhea. If diarrhea persists, however,
you should contact your physician to make sure that the person does not suffer the complications associated with dehydration.

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