Sunday, November 30, 2008

Herbal Ear Drops and Other Home Remedies

Going right to the source with herbal infection fighters and pain relievers can speed up the healing process. Two to three drops directly into the earusing lobelia, garlic, mullein, or tea tree oil has been used with success for earaches for adults and children alike. However, please avoid placing any drops in ears that have had tubes surgically inserted. Warm the oil up slightly by placing the oil bottle in a hot pan of water for a minute or so first. This makes it feel better and makes the oil less viscous, helping it slide easily into the ear canal. These will all serve to soothe the canal and fight infection locally. Another home remedy helpful for ear pain involves a large onion. Here’s the remedy:
  1. Bake the onion until soft.
  2. Cut the onion in half.
  3. Let the onion cool until you can stand to place your finger into the center.
  4. Lay the flat side of each half on each ear, and wrap the onion snugly around your head (you can do one at a time if you keep the other half of the onion warm).
  5. Keep on until the onion cools.
Not only does this help to relieve pain, but it can clear mucus congestion, too.
Eliminate toxins from the body with bowel cleansing to help any ailment. Enemas for both children and adults can bring relief fairly quickly. Add some garlic to the enema water to give an extra bacterial-fighting boost to the body and speed recovery time. Ear coning is used by some to get sinus and ear ache relief. Do not attempt ear coning alone, however. It is wise to have an experienced practitioner do this for you, or have someone teach you and your partner how to do it for each other.

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