Friday, April 30, 2010

Scullcap: Good for a Night Cap

Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) stimulates the brain to produce endorphins (commonly referred to as “feel-good hormones”), which not only can help you sleep, but also may ease your worry that could be keeping you up. Try a few capsules before bedtime to help you get your zzz’s.
Scullcap has been used historically in treatment of convulsions, delirium, emotional trauma, spasms, and restlessness. It also is used as an aphrodisiac (appropriate for this chapter!), so why not offer some to your partner if you both are lying there awake. Skullcap might be beneficial in giving you both something to do with that insomnia!
Scullcap presumably got its name from its appearance—the flower resembles a skull with a hood. Pagan ceremonies have used scullcap as a potion to be exchanged between partners who wished to be together in the afterlife.
Scullcap contains zinc, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It also contains moderate amounts of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as manganese, silicon, phosphorus, iron, selenium, niacin, and trace amounts of sodium.

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