Wednesday, September 30, 2009

White Willow Bark: Worse Than Its Bite

As you are pinpointing the cause of your headaches, a couple of white willow bark (Salix alba) capsules will ease your head pain. The bark of the white willow tree is used as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and pain reliever. As you may remember, we talked about white willow bark originally being used to make aspirin. White willow also eases rheumatism pains and can help lower fevers in adults. Respect this herb as you would an over-the counter aspirin, and do not exceed over 60 mg daily. Ask your physician before giving white willow to a child suffering with Reye’s syndrome, since this herb is a salicylate, as is aspirin.
A combination of white willow, valerian, and wild lettuce makes an excellent remedy for a stress or tension headache. (Valerian and wild lettuce both help relax the nervous system.) A pinch of capsicum may be added as a catalyst to this remedy to speed the pain-relieving effect.
An excellent headache remedy using essential oils was brought to my attention by a client. I have used this remedy because I like the effect it promotes, stimulating and calming at the same time.
Plus it smells terrific! Here’s all you need:

6 drops pure essential oil of lavender
4 drops pure essential oil of peppermint

Drop each into the palm of your hand. Mix together with your finger using a clockwise motion. Dab a few drops on each temple and massage in gently. Rub your hands together briskly and run your fingers through your hair while massaging rest of solution into scalp. You’ll be glad you tried this one!

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