You will need more than just safflowers to change your gout condition. Other herbs that help the kidneys excrete uric acid include juniper berries, parsley, uva ursi, dandelion, and chamomile.
Make sure you take some type of food enzyme supplement unless your diet is at least 80 percent whole, raw foods to help your body break down your foods (especially proteins) more efficiently. Your diet should consist of fewer protein foods (such as meat and beans) and more vegetables—especially greens. Add the herb ginger to also help stimulate proper digestion.
In chemistry, one acid can neutralize another acid. Therefore, neutralize the excess acid floating around in your gout-ridden body with natural sources of sodium. Sodium-rich foods include celery, strawberries, and parsley (see the table at the end of the chapter for more). Goat’s whey is also an excellent supplementary food that is great for over-acidic conditions of the body.
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