Saturday, May 30, 2009

Gingivitis to Your Party?

Gingivitis (gum disease) literally means “inflammation of the gums,” and it may lead to pyorrhea (periodontal disease). Symptoms of gingivitis include swollen, bright red gums that usually bleed when you brush your teeth. The whole mouth and teeth can feel extremely sore and achy. Gingivitis is usually caused by poor dental hygiene or a lack of vitamin C or calcium. Some say it is also due to an over-acidic body system caused by eating too much protein. Protein foods cause an acid base when digested.
Herbs can be used internally and externally to help tone bleeding or swollen gums. A vitamin C deficiency needs to be corrected internally, but your dentist can get rid of deposits on the teeth that can be causing the problem. Either way, you can take herbs to strengthen and tighten your gum tissue to fight infection before, during, and after dental treatment.

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