Saturday, May 30, 2009

Are You Masticating at the Dinner Table?

Make sure you chew your foods well. We all have enzyme activity in our saliva, which is where the actual digestive process begins. Chewing thoroughly will give your stomach and the rest of your digestion a break and should help your gas problems. Because your body relies on digestive juices and enzymes to break down the foods you eat, don’t drink liquids (especially cold liquids) in large amounts during your meals. This may dilute the digestive juices and hinder your proper digestion. Be sure, however, to drink plenty of water in between meals, as proper digestion requires a lot of water. If you must drink during meals, sip warm herbal tea. The warmth will relax the stomach and aid digestion, whereas an icy cold drink will contract the stomach and inhibit digestion.
Bowel cleansing will help if you have foul-smelling gas. If you have started taking a new herb supplement, such as psyllium hulls, aloe vera, or any cleansing herb, you may experience gas the first few days to a week while your bowel is cleansing. I like to think of this process as sweeping out an old, dirty basement. You stir up a lot of dust, but when you are through, you have a clean basement!

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