Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Other Unpronounceables

Elderberry is a wonderful remedy, but when suffering from flu symptoms, you are likely to experience more than just what elderberry can handle for you. For stomach flu and vomiting, a mixture of ginger, capsicum, golden seal, and licorice is helpful. Vitamins C and A will help boost your immune system. As always, drink plenty of liquids and eat very lightly; your body can use the extra energy to heal you.
A homeopathic from France known as oscillococcinum (Anas barbariae) is claimed by many to help stop a flu dead in its tracks. Currently, Cochrane Review Group is researching whether oscillococcinum is more effective than a placebo in the prevention and treatment of influenza and its symptoms. Oscillococcinum is available in most health food stores.
Another excellent herb worthy of mention is olive leaf extract. Olive leaf is anti-fungal, and anti-viral and can be used to kill infections, cold viruses and many other ailments.

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