Friday, September 12, 2008

Fiber: Moving Right Along

For some, cascara is too harsh. Other wonderful herbs with laxative effects on the bowel include flax seed, psyllium hulls, chlorophyll, and aloe vera juice. A wonderful combination to cleanse the bowel, blood, and entire digestive tract includes cascara sagrada bark, barberry bark, buckthorn bark, turkey rhubarb root, licorice root, couch grass herb, capsicum fruit, red clover tops, and ginger root.
Of course, we already mentioned that a lack of certain things can cause constipation,
such as lack of water, fiber, and exercise. Other things besides herbs that can get things moving for you include reflexology treatments, acupuncture, figs, and prune juice. Go
lightly on the prune juice, as some can have explosions of relief! But it is always something to consider in an emergency if you cannot obtain herbs.

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