Friday, September 12, 2008

Cascara Sagrada to Cure Constipation

Cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) is Spanish meaning “sacred bark.” Its medicinal value comes from the dried and aged bark of the herb rhamnus purshiana. This bitter herb has been used for centuries and is one of the best and safest herbs to stimulate a laxative effect for chronic constipation (bitter-tasting herbs are notorious for their bowel-stimulating properties). Cascara is so bitter, in fact, that some have used a cascara sagrada tincture applied to their fingernails to help break the habit of chewing on their nails!
Cascara has also been used to restore tone to a relaxed bowel. Remember that the bowel is a muscle and needs strength for proper function; a lazy bowel is a constipated bowel. Cascara is also useful for the stomach, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas, and can be used to help expel worms from the bowel. It stimulates bile flow, which in turn stimulates bowel peristalsis.
A few capsules given to an herbal non-believer before bed will make a true believer out of him by the next morning!

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