Monday, September 22, 2008

In–Cyst on Blood Cleansers

Other blood-cleansing herbs include red clover tops and burdock root; when taken together, these make a great blood-cleansing tonic. Other useful supplements include reishi mushroom, shark cartilage, Essiac formula (especially for cancerous cysts), and vitamins A, D, and E.
Working from the outside in, the external application of an ointment or poultice made from chaparral herb, lobelia, comfrey leaf, golden seal root, plantain root, red clover herb, mullein herb, marshmallow root, chickweed herb, and myrrh gum in a base of olive oil, beeswax, pine tar, and vitamin E oil has proven helpful.
Because most cysts are the result of stagnant energy, moving energy with therapies such as reflexology, acupuncture, or acupressure may help get your energy un-stuck and flowing smoothly again. Daily dry skin brushing will also improve circulation and stimulate lymph flow. Use a natural bristle skin brush and brush your body (avoid your face) before you get in the shower each morning. Lymphatic massages will help move stagnate lymphs also.

Pau D’Arco to Dissolve the Problem

Pau d’arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) (pronounced paw dee-arc-oh) and also commonly referred to as Taheebo tea, is the bark of a tropical tree found mostly in Brazil and Argentina. The tree is known for its ability to resist fungus growth even though it exists in a tropical (and, thus, ideal for fungus) area. Used by the Inca Indians as an immunity tonic, pau d’arco has served many well in fighting cancer and melting tumors.
Pau d’arco also has antioxidant properties that work to fight free radical scavengers in the body. It has been used to fight lung, prostate, and colon cancer, and is believed to increase red blood cell production and decrease blood sugar. One particular client of mine had a cyst on her right leg for 14 years. In fact, she had it for so long that it was like a cyst-ter to her (groan). Anyway, after only one week on an herbal program that included two cups of pau d’arco tea daily, four burdock root capsules, six red clover capsules, and two cascara sagrada at bedtime, she claimed her cyst completely disappeared. It has been several years now and the cyst has not returned.

Understanding Cysts

Cysts usually result from stagnant energy where toxins in the blood build. Blood cleansing is the best remedy for cysts: I have seen plenty of tumors and cysts disappear with the use of herbal blood cleansers.
Cysts are benign growths caused by an excess growth of fat cells created by internal toxicity and infection. You should not only use herbs to help melt the cysts, but also use digestive herbs and enzymes to assist your body in breaking down fats. Let’s take a look at a well-known herb that has a reputation as a cyst dissolver.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fiber: Moving Right Along

For some, cascara is too harsh. Other wonderful herbs with laxative effects on the bowel include flax seed, psyllium hulls, chlorophyll, and aloe vera juice. A wonderful combination to cleanse the bowel, blood, and entire digestive tract includes cascara sagrada bark, barberry bark, buckthorn bark, turkey rhubarb root, licorice root, couch grass herb, capsicum fruit, red clover tops, and ginger root.
Of course, we already mentioned that a lack of certain things can cause constipation,
such as lack of water, fiber, and exercise. Other things besides herbs that can get things moving for you include reflexology treatments, acupuncture, figs, and prune juice. Go
lightly on the prune juice, as some can have explosions of relief! But it is always something to consider in an emergency if you cannot obtain herbs.

Cascara Sagrada to Cure Constipation

Cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) is Spanish meaning “sacred bark.” Its medicinal value comes from the dried and aged bark of the herb rhamnus purshiana. This bitter herb has been used for centuries and is one of the best and safest herbs to stimulate a laxative effect for chronic constipation (bitter-tasting herbs are notorious for their bowel-stimulating properties). Cascara is so bitter, in fact, that some have used a cascara sagrada tincture applied to their fingernails to help break the habit of chewing on their nails!
Cascara has also been used to restore tone to a relaxed bowel. Remember that the bowel is a muscle and needs strength for proper function; a lazy bowel is a constipated bowel. Cascara is also useful for the stomach, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas, and can be used to help expel worms from the bowel. It stimulates bile flow, which in turn stimulates bowel peristalsis.
A few capsules given to an herbal non-believer before bed will make a true believer out of him by the next morning!

Understanding Constipation

Constipation is a problem that most everyone suffers from at some time or another, whether they know it or not. Indeed, most of us are not as bowel-conscious as we ought to be. But how could we be constipated without knowing it? Well, the bowel is a tube that can stretch to many times its normal size. We can harbor old fecal matter, undigested foods, parasites, and other things that are compacted on the sides of the colon walls. I consider this condition of the bowel to be constipated because the feces is still compacted in the bowel, even though there may be a tunnel of space through the middle allowing the person to pass some waste material through. This means that a person can still be eliminating daily wastes through the bowel, however, not all the waste is being dislodged.
To illustrate, when a client comes to me and they don’t believe that they are constipated, although my assessment shows that they are, I will discuss with them a cleansing diet and herbs designed to eliminate the backed-up wastes. Some will even take colonics or enemas to speed the process. When they follow the program and see that they are actually eating less than normal, and evacuating up to six times their normal amount of waste, they are absolutely amazed. Not to mention, usually lighter! The point is that the bowel can store up material on the sides of the colon walls and in bowel pockets, although you might be eliminating daily. See Chapter 4 for information on bowel cleansing and Ivy’s daily cleansing drink recipe.
So what is the profile for the ideal bowel function? Ideally, you should eliminate once for every meal eaten. (That’s thrice daily for you three-meal-a-day people!) The stool should be approximately 2” in diameter, a light brown color, soft in consistency (but formed), usually remaining in one piece from 6”–12” in length, and should come out without strain. The total evacuation time should require no longer than one minute, and should not leave a foul odor (really!).
So how do you match up? If you are one of those who needs to take a novel to the pot with you, then you are probably constipated! (Note: As a general rule, while on a cleansing program, you will eliminate more than once for each meal eaten.)
Some factors that contribute to constipation include these:
  • Lack of water
  • Ignoring the call of nature (not going when you feel the need)
  • Nervous tension that keeps the bowel tense
  • Lack of exercise can help the bowel get lazy
  • Side effects of many medications that make constipation a problem
  • The five white enemies: white flour, sugar, milk, salt, and rice It’s best to learn the cause of your constipation and correct that first. For cleansing purposes and to stimulate things into action, though, herbs make a great remedy.

Great Herbal Combinations to Beat Herpes Simplex-Complex

White oak bark has astringent qualities that help contract tissues and that may help the swelling associated with cold sores. L-lysine or a combination of amino acids containing lysine have helped many not only during time of break-out, but also daily as a preventative measure. Acidophilus is important in the intestinal system because this good bacteria will help keep viruses at bay. Finally, zinc boosts the immune system and aids in skin healing.
A mixture of Chinese and western herbs designed by Chinese herbalist, Sabudi Darmandanda, has been used successfully by many for both cold sores (herpes simplex) and genital herpes (herpes complex). The mixture includes: dandelion root, scute root, purslane herb, pinellia rhizome, indigo herb and root, ginseng root, thlaspi herb, cinnamon twig, bupleurum root, and licorice root. Begin taking this combo at the first sign of an outbreak. Tea tree oil, vitamin E oil, colloidal silver, and a topical cream called Super Lysine Plus+®, which contains lysine and other healing ingredients for the lips, have all been useful for arresting an outbreak and helping the area heal. (Lysine Plus+ is manufactured by a company in Eugene, Oregon, and is found in most health food stores.)