Sunday, February 17, 2008

Understanding herbs is important

Herbs are beneficial because:
  1. Supplying the missing element(s) such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids, and other phytochemicals in a concentrated form.
  2. Helping the body eliminate built-up toxins that could be causing our ailments. Herbs may aid the body in eliminating these toxins by stimulating the release of excess mucus, urine, compacted bowel material, flushing cholesterol from arteries, and increasing perspiration.
As products of nature, herbs will first go to the area of your body that needs it most. This means that your symptom (the reason you reached for an herb in the first place) may not be eliminated immediately. When using herbs, as with any nutrition, you will have to be patient and know that Mother Nature works on her own time schedule.

On the other hand, I have seen the right herb(s) taken at the right time bring almost instant relief. Either way, most herbs you purchase that are produced by a reputable manufacture are going to be safe to use and experiment with if you are a generally healthy adult. (“Experiment” means that if you are not seeing results, you can try taking more than what the bottle recommends).
This blog been created to help you avoid the hit or miss game:
  • To help you understand the possible cause of your ailment(s).
  • To introduce you to a new herb for each ailment; you will be introduced to about 100 herbs by the time you are through.
  • To help you choose the right combinations of herbs and supplements to ease you through many illnesses.
In the coming pages you will be introduced to many herbs using their most commonly used name, but all herbs have a Latin or scientific name, too. When you are first introduced to specific herbs beginning, you will also be given its Latin name in parenthesis. This is so you can be sure the species that you are using matches the common herb being described. Most herbalists, however, will refer to an herb’s common name.

You can also use this blog as a reference for occasional illnesses after you find yourself a good herbalist to help you create a personalized, daily herbal program. This blog is made to empower you so that you won’t have to call your doctor or your herbalist for every little ache, pain, and sniffle!

Of course, medications have their place in humankind and are responsible for saving lives. However, many medicines fix the symptoms but don’t reach the true source of the problem. The way I see it, you need to cover your bases first before using medications.

Assess your symptoms and see what you body is trying to tell you before you stop your body’s natural processes with a chemical drug. If you have a runny nose, is there something in your environment irritating your sinus cavities? Or did you inhale an incoming bacterium that the nose is trying to rid itself of? Using herbs will help you and your body communicate and will help you become more empowered to take care of yourself.

You should engage yourself in understanding how herbs work with your body so that you can get the most out of your herbal remedies. Sometimes just understanding a little about how herbs versus medicines work might give you the patience you need to get back to health instead of just covering up your symptoms. Remember that herbs give your body the opportunity to heal itself.

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