Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hormonal Helpers

For irregular periods, take vitamin E to help increase fertility and bring more oxygen into the blood; licorice root has helped some of my menopausal clients rid themselves of hot flashes. Licorice root nourishes adrenals, regulates menstruation, and helps the body to release excess water retention. Sip ginger root tea to help promote the menstrual flow once you do get your period. Dong quai has come to the rescue for many women and is used to regulate periods, ease PMS, help menopausal symptoms, nourish female glands, calm nervousness, expel retained placenta after birth, reduce hot flashes, and eliminate anemia.
Evening primrose oil has also been a saving grace for many women with raging hormones, has been used to help regulate periods, eases PMS symptoms, aids skin and hair health, and boosts the immune system. Try taking up to six evening primrose capsules daily 7 to 10 days before your period is due. Stay consistent. You will need to give your herbal hormonal helpers at least a few months to be able to correctly evaluate if your cycle is becoming regular. Patience and experimentation will be needed unless you are working with a holistic practitioner who can help guide you, of course.

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