Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Irritating Causes

Scientists are finding that our nervous system has direct influence on other systems of the body, such as the immune system, digestion, and the intestines. Thus, dealing with the source of your stress that could be causing your bowel trouble would be helpful in getting rid of this condition.
Food allergies are also a big culprit when it comes to colitis and irritable bowel. See an allergist or a holistic health provider who can help you determine your allergies. Eliminate wheat and dairy, for starters, since many are allergic to these foods.
More natural help for a spastic bowel:
  • Magnesium is a mineral that is soothing to the muscles and also the nerves. Taking magnesium will nourish and relax your nerves and also your bowel—this is probably why the anti-diarrhea medication known as Milk of Magnesia® works for the bowel.
  • Activated charcoal in capsules will help absorb any toxins that might be causing the irritable bowel. I always keep some in my herbal medicine cabinet for poisonings of any kind.
  • Peppermint oil can aid digestion, and a little dab on the tongue can help ease the problem.

Your body could be short of the good intestinal bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium (more commonly known as acidophilus and bifidophilus), especially if you have had diarrhea for a while. Supplementing with these bacteria will help bring the bowel into better balance. Eliminate any food source that seems to trigger symptoms. Make a warm lobelia fomentation and place it over the lower bowel to help settle those spastic contractions.

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