Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dong Quai for Wannabe Moms

Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is another Asian herb known for its female-enhancing qualities—in fact, this herb has also been called the ginseng for women. Dong quai seems to have similar effects on the body as estrogen does. You can take this herb to help your skin become soft and supple, help lubricate dry vaginal tissue, stop excess bleeding after giving birth, and promote menstruation when it’s late.
Dong quai has warming, moistening (wetting) energetics, and therefore seems to “warm” frigidity. It also can help soothe the nervous system and is used by many women to relax symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
In nature, seeds are a plant’s glandular system. The seed provides everything inside it to blossom into a fully developed, vital plant, given the correct conditions such as water, air, sunshine, and soil. Eating the glandular system of the seeds can help nourish your own reproductive system. Because seeds are usually small, seed butters can make an excellent way to eat seeds—when you’re thinking pregnancy, dip your celery stick into some sesame seed butter.

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