Friday, February 27, 2009

Cure for Fungus Poisoning

Fungal infections seem to be more and more widespread these days and can include ring worm, Candida overgrowth (Candidias Albicans), yeast infections, jock itch, and athlete’s foot. While some of these problems are externally contagious, such as athlete’s foot and ring worm, some are caused by an imbalance of our internal environment. Just as mold and fungus need a warm, moist environment externally, bacteria and fungus need a certain environment to thrive in internally. Therefore, if we change our inner environment and make it less fungus-friendly, these problems will tend to disappear.
Some causes of internal fungal infections such as yeast and Candida include:
  • Sugar: Sugar is bad bacteria’s favorite food. Keep feeding it sugar, and it will think you want it to stay!
  • Caffeine: Caffeine wipes out the good bacteria in your digestive tract and may allow fungal overgrowth to get a head start.
  • Antibiotics and birth control pills: These can change your internal environment, causing it to be more fungus-friendly. If you are on birth control pills, it may be wise to supplement every day with acidophilus.
  • Lack of cellular oxygen due to mucus in the system: Fungus doesn’t like fresh air—it likes a stale environment and carbon dioxide to bathe in. Fungus thrives in or on a body that is not exposed regularly to fresh air. By now, you’re probably itching to know how to get rid of these things!

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