At the other end of the pendulum swing is low blood pressure, which is not the best thing to have, either. Low blood pressure can signify hormonal under-activity, and many people with this condition have thyroid problems. Symptoms of a low thyroid include fatigue, depression, cold hands and feet, and coarse hair or skin. If the thyroid is underactive, it may need nourishment. The thyroid likes iodine, and one of the richest foods in iodine is kelp.
Kelp grows in our oceans and is packed with many trace minerals from the sea. Other tonics for the glandular system include licorice root, which helps tone the adrenals, and ginseng, which is an all-around tonic for the entire body.
Ginkgo biloba and hawthorne both work well together to bring blood pressure back up into balance. Add a trace mineral supplement and some capsicum, and you will have a remedy to boost you. All these foods and herbs will also help feed your entire circulatory system; a weakened heart can be the cause of low blood pressure.